Private Confession (30 mins before any service)

10.00 Divine Liturgy

19.00 Vespers (when announced)
20.00 Compline (when announced)

* All are subject to change and will be posted on the home page.


Click here for the schedule for the previous year. A new schedule is currently in negotiation with the school.


For Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals please contact the Father Martin directly to discuss and confirm dates and your individual arrangements.

Public services (morning, evening and night prayer) are offered each day by Father Martin and the parish, and these are occasionally broadcast via facebook, youtube and twitter on Sundays and major feast days.

This broadcast Liturgy is generally only the first part of the LIturgy (that is the Liturgy of the Catechumen). The Liturgy of the Faithful follows but may not be broadcast as generally is reserved to the Faithful who attend in person.

Confessions are available 30 minutes before any service (just let the priest know) or by appointment, and the Divine Liturgy begins after Morning Prayer (Lauds) at appromiately 10.00.

If you are travelling a long distance to celebrate the Liturgy with us and arrive later and would like to receive Holy Communion please let one of the servers know and arrangements will be made to confess you.

If you are not an Orthodox Christian, there is unconsecrated (blessed) Bread which is available for all at the very end of the Divine Liturgy. Share with us in the Agape, and eat of the shared bread (antidoron/prosphora) and drink a little wine.

Lent & Advent

See News page for service schedule.

Bible study groups will be announced at the beginning of each season of Great Lent and Advent.

Wednesday Coffee Mornings/Cafe visits, we meet from time to time for coffee, catchup and fraternity as announced, please contact Father Martin.